These lessons for K12+ students draw from nearly 20 national teacher-support organizations. I curated these lists for #USvsHate. I’m working right now to add youth-facing lessons based on Schooltalk and Everyday Antiracism.
- Lessons for Building an Inclusive School Community (from #USvsHate)
- These lessons help build inclusive relationships, start to challenge stereotypes, and explore overarching issues of empathy, bias, bullying, and ally behavior. Start here if the people in your group don’t know each other well.
- Lessons on Countering Specific Forms of Hate, Bias, and Injustice (from #USvsHate)
- These lessons build a stronger foundation to explore and refuse specific forms of hate, bias, and injustice needing attention in specific communities and the nation, so we can together build a society where all are valued!