Pursuing Deep Equity in “Blended” Classrooms

Teachers College Record, 2019.

This article written with colleagues at CREATE explored the role of in-person teachers in supporting low-income students as they used online material in summer courses. We name six key “teacher roles”–six crucial ways teachers supported students. A good conversation-starter as people consider tech use, equity and the essential role of teachers.

Link here.

Smart Tech Use for Equity.

Teaching Tolerance, Spring 2016.

The Smart Tech Use for Equity framework, which I designed with colleague Kim Douillard from the San Diego Area Writing Project, supports educators to consider and document the pros and cons of their tech use with equity in mind.

Link here.

Remember, make change while you read: Here’s a Smart Tech Use for Equity note-taking sheet supporting educators, students and families to consider tech uses’ pros/cons.
